Introducing the enchanting fusion of Tokyo and Paris in a single scented masterpiece – the Tokyo-Paris Monocle Signature Candle. This exceptional creation is the result of a unique collaboration between two vibrant cities and the prestigious lifestyle magazine, Monocle. Drawing inspiration from the contrasting yet complementary elements of Tokyo and Paris, this candle captures the essence of both cities in one exquisite blend. The candle's design reflects the harmonious amalgamation of contemporary Japanese minimalism and elegant Parisian sophistication, showcasing a sleek, artistic jar adorned with delicate motifs that pay homage to the iconic landmarks and cultural symbols of both cities.
Our Values
We produce in small family-run factories mainly in the vicinity of the German capital – in favor of the environment and outstanding quality. We are committed to fostering a wholesome environment - on a human scale, with respect to the natural resources, climate, environment, durability and our collaboration partners. We source the finest fabrics from all over Europe - because we love Europe!
Read more about our values here.